Search for Objects of Interest

Jeanne d'Aire , Burgher of Calais, modeled 1884-1889, reduction model 1895, cast May 1945
artist: Auguste Rodin; (1840 – 1917, French)
patinated bronze
1949.21, Gift of the French Merci Train, from a prior purchase from the Rodin Museum in 1948 by Noilly-Prat et Cie

Illinois Legacy Collection, Illinois State Museum
Gift of Miss Avis Hubbard, 1963.57

Illinois State Museum, Illinois Legacy Collection
Gift of Joan D. Keller, 2010.200

Installed by the Minnesota & Northwestern Railroad in 1888, which became the Chicago Great Western Railway in 1892, then the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad in 1968, abandoned in 1972

Cradle Reaper used on the Glenn Droegmiller family farm.
used on their Snipe Hollow farm near Elizabeth in NW IL
late 1800s

original desk from the floor of the Illinois State Senate
This desk was from the original furniture purchased and used in the current Senate Chamber of the State Capitol Building in Springfield.
circa 1888 - 1900

c. 1890-1910
Illinois Legacy Collection, Illinois State Museum
Gift of Cornelia Young, 1962.21.750049

c. 1884
Illinois Legacy Collection, Illinois State Museum
Gift of the Sangamon State University Foundation, 1995.242.68

c. 1885-1889
Illinois Legacy Collection, Illinois State Museum
Gift of Bissell, Inc., 1993.018.006

Illinois State Museum, Illinois Legacy Collection
Gift of Gaylon Sprimont, 2011.134

Illinois State Museum, Illinois Legacy Collection
Gift of Zella Lewis & Earl S. Ramseyer, 1989.073.0001

(born 1888, Andretta, Italy, died 1965, Chicago IL)
1909 (original plaster), bronze cast 1996, edition of 6
Illinois Legacy Collection, 2006.108, Gift of Mr. & Mrs. Joel Dryer

c. 1906-1909
Illinois Legacy Collection, Illinois State Museum
Gift of Leslie Oldenettel in memory of Bernice Oldenettel, 1990.53.42